Affordable Books for limited income earners, the business model
Perhaps by merely opening your televisions today, live streaming videos on the internet or listening to radio ads all you keep hearing is the same word "Affordable". Yes, I am experiencing the same with my little bit of tidbits smile and at the same time acknowledging my ego of simple saying, did I not tell them for the longest time. 10 years and counting has been a long time someone can use a branding word, find the time and traction to launch simultaneously, yet simply still be humble and proud about the social awareness it has created towards humanity. Yes, the truth depicts the realities of times, a recession similar to the great 1929 depression, a president of change, a tumbling financially challenges world but still have the obligation to tell the world to be compassionate, hope for the best, have faith and believe in God and the laws of attraction. Like any e-commerce and web content traffic generated business, the simple business model of Affordable Books comes f...