
Showing posts from March, 2008 participates in Book Expo America in May 2008

Article Posted on Book Expo America Website: PRESS RELEASE JEFF BEZOS TO PARTICIPATE IN BEA CONFERENCE PROGRAM Founder and CEO Will Present and Appear in Upfront & Unscripted “Spotlight” Q&A with Chris Anderson Norwalk, CT, March 12, 2008: Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos will take the stage at BookExpo America (BEA) where he will present and appear in a special new “Spotlight” edition of the popular Upfront & Unscripted (UU) interview series. Mr. Bezos, who has participated in BEA once before in 2000 when he appeared as a keynote speaker, will be interviewed by Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Wired Magazine. BEA’s Upfront & Unscripted interviews have quickly become a highlight of conference programming since they were introduced in 2006. The new “Spotlight” edition of this series is being introduced to call attention to occasional interviews that deserve special consideration because of their interest to the entire BEA audience. The interview between...

Collecting Books as Hobby and Business

On a Young Entrepreneur speaking engagement I spoke, on an open forum preceeded by being asked if I used a Book Scanner. Nowadays, book scanning is the high tech ingredient where you use your smart phone or blackberry integrated with a scanner. You scan the back of the book's UPC, Bar Code or ISBN no. My answer is that I do have the capability as it is a real cool dundy tool must have. However, on another side, I come from the old school of being a book reader, collector, dealer and then seller. A book for me is a tool and guide for information and learning. I started reading Hardy Boys and Marvel Comics by DC when I was five. Then I also did speed reading and took pilot (beta test) schooling at that time which is commonly known as home study. As an army brat, I had to go into different schools and start over, thank GOD for being a accelerated student then. The different kinds and variations of books is not only interesting but ...